Art Santa Fe – July 2011

I exhibited at Art Santa Fe in July for the fifth consecutive year. I keep going back because my work seems to be finding a growing audience in Northern New Mexico—not only among local Santa Feans but also among art-aware people from across the country who come back year after year to spend their summers in the region.
My wife and I staff the booth together and enjoy the weekend more than any other event we do during the year. We appreciate the good Southwestern cuisine, good conversation with an interesting set of collectors, good visits with friends we have made over the last five years, and dramatic storm skies over the city every afternoon. What’s more, the fair is well run and the organizers are a pleasure to deal with.
Art Santa Fe is an annual juried event that brings together the work of contemporary artists in all mediums from galleries in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the United States. For ASF details go to their site:
The booth this year was equally divided between my large-format landscape imagery and the newer camera-based, non-objective work that I have been developing over the last three years when not traveling to wild places.